There are a number of steps you can follow structuring ideas with typically American
a. Greet
For example; my name is …. and I am ……left my side is …..
c. Introduce talk
For example; Okay, let’s look first of all at the timing of the project
f. Conclude first main point
For example; So, we have looked at the plans for the project under two heads-timing and cost.
g. Introduce second main point
i. Conclude talk
For example; That’s all I have to say about last year’s operating system.
k. Invite questions
And now, if there are any questions, I will be happy to answer them.
You can change that example word with your case because at the above is only one of example a case.
a. Greet
For example; Good morning, ladies and gentleman (formal), Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb (formal for Muslim people)., Hello, how are you (informal), etc. or I would like to welcome you this presentation.
b. Introduce selfFor example; my name is …. and I am ……left my side is …..
c. Introduce talk
For example; I would like to explain to you day the plans for the food processing project. So, the purpose of today’s meeting is to review last month’s recruitment of store managers.
d. Outline talkFor example; I would like to start by looking the corporate main goal. I have divided the talk into three parts: firstly…..; secondly…..; and thirdly…..etc.
e. Introduce the first main pointFor example; Okay, let’s look first of all at the timing of the project
f. Conclude first main point
For example; So, we have looked at the plans for the project under two heads-timing and cost.
g. Introduce second main point
For example; So, if there no further comments about the first point, shall we look at the Hero’s primary marketing strategy? Right, I think that covers the plan to speed our growth.
h. Summarize talk
For example; Finally, I would like to say that we shall monitor our performance closely.h. Summarize talk
i. Conclude talk
For example; Finally, let me say that I look forward to maintaining a good working relationship with all the parties.
j. Close the presentationFor example; That’s all I have to say about last year’s operating system.
k. Invite questions
And now, if there are any questions, I will be happy to answer them.
You can change that example word with your case because at the above is only one of example a case.